Check out this video: the life-changing 1-Touch Mantra. Follow this rule and live in a clutter-free home.
Big claims, right? Well I'm living proof and this one Touch Rule is now one of the pillar "Happy MIND" tips that I teach on a regular basis. I follow this 1-Touch Rule everyday, and its the one reason why my home is clutter-free even with two kids 5 years old and under.
Past episodes have covered topics like sleep training, how to talk to your kids about religion, politics, sex and more! The latest episode is mine :) Taming the Toy Chaos: Overwhelmed by toys, clutter and mess? You’re in luck! We’ve got professional organizer, Sarah Hembree of Nest Happy to share her tips on how to transform the chaos into functional and organized systems for managing the toys and home! And just in case you missed it before, I talk about my FREE cheatsheet download "10 Easy Ways to Get Organized" and its available here:
Happy Listening and Have a FABULOUS weekend! XOX, Sarah
I know that feeling of overwhelm. One day you realize that “stuff" has taken over its hard to even know where to begin. It happens to the best of us when kids are added to the equation.
The never-ending influx of gear in the first few years of a a baby’s life becomes stifling. The sheer amount of undone is burdening your everyday function and clutters your mind. However recognizing the overwhelm, and resolving to do something about it, is the first huge step in overcoming it. Imagine living in a space that you love, a space that actually is relaxing and rejuvenating. It may not even be the sippy cups, LEGO’s, or little socks that’s overwhelming but perhaps drifts of paper, random objects on your table, or the dishes in the kitchen sink. Our homes have become out of control with items in numbers beyond our capabilities of managing. |
About MeSarah is passionate about helping people transform family chaos into stress-free and happy living. Want Updates?