I know that feeling of overwhelm. One day you realize that “stuff" has taken over its hard to even know where to begin. It happens to the best of us when kids are added to the equation.
The never-ending influx of gear in the first few years of a a baby’s life becomes stifling. The sheer amount of undone is burdening your everyday function and clutters your mind. However recognizing the overwhelm, and resolving to do something about it, is the first huge step in overcoming it. Imagine living in a space that you love, a space that actually is relaxing and rejuvenating. It may not even be the sippy cups, LEGO’s, or little socks that’s overwhelming but perhaps drifts of paper, random objects on your table, or the dishes in the kitchen sink. Our homes have become out of control with items in numbers beyond our capabilities of managing.
The average American home has 300,000 things, which can’t possibly be managed at that volume. (LA Times) Our society is just one of consumption and it gets to the best of us.
For me, the realization happened when my moms group forum (GGMG) was buzzing with talk of Marie Kondo’s new book (that Japanese author’s Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) and how much other San Francisco families in tiny apartments such as mine were donating bagfuls of items. My second baby was about 11 months old and my older one was a little over 3 years old. I looked around our tiny loft and was had that “holy sh&t” moment of recognition that we had WAY TOO MUCH stuff to manage and that the stuff had taken over. I could not take a picture of my adorable kids without a million items in their path. I was beyond the point of keeping up and had long given up. Whenever we had company over, or when we were fortunate to have cleaners come, we would clear off surfaces by shoving things in a bag. I had a stockpile of random bags in our only downstairs closet and upstairs by my bed. It was bad.
However once you recognize the overwhelm, you can change it. I’ve witness first-hand life-long-hoarded spaces that have been transformed into a functioning oasis. Its amazing. I’ve been so inspired by so many clients making huge changes in their lives and I’m hooked. I am so passionate about helping families turn their chaos into functional and organized systems, leading the life that they love and not one where they are constantly feeling burnt out by their living spaces.
If you are looking around your house and don’t know where to begin, or if you are exhausted at thinking about the sheer number of objects cluttering your home, Congratulations! Seriously. Recognizing the overwhelm and how bad it is now is the first huge step. The state of your home/apartment/flat or whatever-you-call-it will only get better from here. This is ground zero. Your launching pad. You will no longer be weighed down with so much stuff. You are ready. I am here (in your inbox, on the phone, or in your home) to guide you and provide you with the framework for success, to encourage you and to make the whole process fun. My methods are based on firsthand experience and highly researched methods (I am a scientist after all) that I’ve distilled for you to take advantage of. So recognize the overwhelm in all its glory, and get ready for the next step.
Heidi Smith
11/24/2016 02:53:34 pm
Great post! Changing an overwhelming situation to a calming place is definitely life changing!
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